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Giffoni Film Festival: Italy

The Giffoni Film Festival is an international film festival in Italy with a jury of over 3,000 students from 50 countries.  Jurors stay with host families near the festival watching the festival selections, attending workshops, and participating in discussions about the films.
In 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018 we sent three students selected for their dedication to filmmaking and based on a written application essay.  In addition to their responsibilities as jurors, students were able to include visits to Pompeii and Rome, go shopping in Capri, and swimming in Amalfi.  It truly is a trip of a lifetime that greatly impacts our view of the world!

We are hoping that with the end of the pandemic, this trip will resume.

National Film Festival for Talented Youth - Seattle

All American High School Film Festival - New York City

© 2023 By Karen Bennett

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